June 24, 2009


Much better. But I feel like I can still see the orange right through this paint. This picture makes the blue look strange - it's a camera phone after all. Well, it's a start!

Next project (upon our return from vacation), repainting the pink rooms! I'm going to do this myself since it seems about time that I learned to paint a room.


Unknown said...

Before we moved in here, the room that was supposed to be Duncan's was a Pepto-Bismol pink. Maybe a little deeper. It was the first to get painted. Yeah, I hate to agree with you, but you can see the orange right through. At least you can live with that; maybe the cat pee will disappear while you're gone.

Courtney said...

Matt said that he could see the orange through the blue, too... but honestly, it looks worse in the picture, so I may let it go. But I kept the extra paint in case I wanted to go over it again.

Oh well.

I am hoping the cat pee will disappear when the rug is torn up!